Designing Collection Experiences

A workshop series that will give you practical tools to focus your collection on the changing interests and needs of 21st century communities. Learn how to:

  • phase in new formats and topics and restructure existing collections;
  • respond quickly (and even anticipate) trends in publishing and electronic access;
  • transform the blizzard of numbers from your ILS reports into simple, useful indicators for effective decision-making;
  • and precisely align your collection with broader library and community goals.


2013: Eight 4-hour sessions at the Waterloo Public Library:


1. The Experience Library | September 10



Blog post with summary

2. Availability | September 17 and October 1

Handout  (The availability workshop was originally intended as a single session and the handout outline has not been updated to show the change to two sessions.)

Availability Formulas

Duplication Tables

Duplication Formula


Blog Post with Summary

3. Discovery | October 8


Team Weeding | Step-by-step introduction to the practice of team weeding.

Conducting a Shelf Time Study | Instructions and forms for conducting a shelf time study to identify the demand cutoff standard for weeding a rhizome. Although a manual process is described, the same principles can be used to construct an ILS report.

Weeding Review Slip | Sample form to indicate the disposition of a specific weeded item.

Missing Items Inventory | Describes how to create an ongoing list of texts missing from a collection.


Blog post with summary

4. Concentration | October 22


Transactional Budgeting | Worksheet for calculating the cost per transaction of a rhizome.

Format Matrix Workform | A workform that facilitates the comparison of “apples and orange juice” rhizomes: those with characteristics that are not easy to measure or compare directly.


Blog post with summary

5.  Selection | October 29


Selection Workform | A workform for a selector to use in organizing the data and activities pertinent to selecting in a specific rhizome.

Narrative Transformation Matrix | A 2×2 matrix for use in exploring the relationship between the elements of Exposition / Narrative and Theory / Praxis in a title or rhizome.


Blog post with summary

6.  Objectives | November 12

7.  Plan Do Check Act | November 19